Thursday, March 10, 2016

Todaiji Temple : Big Pearl in Peaceful Nara

Todaiji (東大寺 Eastern Great Temple) complex is the most famous and important landmark in Nara Prefecture. The Great Buddha Hall (Daibutsuden 大仏殿) is known as the largest wooden temple in the world. This place serves as place of worship and Japanese headquarters of Kegon school of Buddhism. Over centuries, Todaiji has produced a lot of famous scholar priests.

Got off from JR Nara Station and walked about 15-20 minutes. Don’t get surprised that, over here, deer (鹿 shika) could walk freely! There are even signs to warn people to watch out for the deer. According to folklore, deer is  a messenger of Takemikazuchi-no-mikoto, one of four Gods of Kasuga Shrine. Until 1637, killing deer here could cause punishment to death. But now, even though the stamp of sacred deer has been erased, deer is protected as well.
You would buy deer cracker (shika senbei) too, if you want to feed them. It costs 150 yen per pack. Anyway, be careful! We know that the deers are extremely cute (really, they are! ) but once they see someone with deer crackers, they will approach you directly. Generally calm but some are aggressive. Foody is one of the victims. Hahaha....

Todaiji (東大寺 Eastern Great Temple) complex, built in Nara period (710-794 AD), stands in the former site of Kinshosen-ji (金鐘山寺). Kinshosen-ji was built based on the order of Emperor Shōmu (45th emperor of Japan) to be presented as a appeasement for his passed-away-one-year-old son, Prince Motoi. The location was in the east of Heijōkyō (now is Nara). Todaiji was founded by Bishop Ruben and chief object of worship is Vairocana Buddha that is the central Buddha of Kegon Sutra.

To enter Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall), the admission ticket costs 500 yen. Soon you’ll find a huge Daibutsuden and Nandaimon (Great South Gate). 
This gate has two big Nio Guardian wooden statues, Agyo (with opened mouth-to scare off demons) represents beginning of the universe while Ungyo (with closed mouth-to keep in good spirits) represents end of universe. Birth and death.

Inside the Great Buddha Hall, you can find  an amazing Vairocana Buddha statue or simply called as Daibutsu (大仏). Its height reaches 14,98 metres and Great Hall hall ’s height is 48,74 metres. The statue is made by bronze, then plated by gold.

Minuature of original temple complex before roconstruction

Minuature of Daibutsu
Due to fire attacks of war in 1180 and 1567, there were a lot of damages that were caused. Now, Great Buddha Hall is just 2/3 of the original size. The current statue’s hands were made in Momoyama period (1568-1615) and the head was made in Edo period (1615-1867). 
Lucky charm that is sold inside Great Buddha Hall

In the sub-complex of this temple, you may also find Nigatsudo Hall. If you are lucky enough to visit this site on 1-14 March, you can join the Omizutori festival in that period. This hall opens 24 hours and Otaimatsu can be watched from the courtyard below the hall.
Omizutori Festival      credit :
11th : 20 minutes from 7PM
12th : 45 minutes from 7.30PM
13th : 20 minutes from 7PM
14th : 5 minutes from 6.30PM

The appointed priests will bring 6-8 metres torches and carry those to the hall. The burning embers that shower from balcony mean  erasing peoples’s sins as spring of new year.

credit :

Enough having sightseeing, here we go again with deers outside the Todaiji complex. There are also shopping shops for snacks, foods and souvenirs. Great view and peaceful! さすがな東大寺 =)

Admission Times (The Great Buddha Hall)

Nov - Feb
Apr - Sept
(No closing days, last admission 30 minutes before)

Admission Times (Todaiji Museum:*We may be closed temporarily)

Nov - Feb
Apr – Sept
Last admission 30minutes before

Admission Fees (The Great Buddha Hall /Todaiji Museum)
Adult                                       : 500 yen
Primary School student           : 300 yen

Joint pass for Great Buddha Hall and Todaiji Museum
Adult                                       : 800 yen
Primary School student           : 400 yen

Address   : 406-1 Zoshicho, Nara Prefecture 630-821
Website  :

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1 comment:

  1. Todai-ji is wonderful temple. Omamori (japanese charms) of Todai-ji you can buy on ... I love Japan! ... I hope one day to get back on Japan
